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Thank you for visiting ScissorDude.com an outgrowth of our highly successful campanion site, TopNotchShears.com. That website has been migrated over to ScissorDude.com, to better serve your needs. Our business is dedicated to serving hairdressers and other professionals aroundthe globe who seek the highest quality handmade shears available on the market.

I am an authorized dealer for 25-30 international scissor manufacturing companies that I have personally selected to represent, based on their product quality and reliability. I am always happy to share my candid and honest opinions with anyone seeking addidional information about the shear they are considering and am also available for free consultations and recommendations about the right brand or model for you. Please note that I have eliminated many shear models from my inventory that have proven to be unreliable and/or unavailable.
My 30+years background as a hairdresser/salon owner prior to entering the shear and sharpening businesses has provided me with a wealth of experience and I look forward to sharing that knowledge with you. My original website was developed to better serve my local customers here in Pennsylvania based on their requests to view all the shears I carry. Today I proudly sell shears all over the world.
Feel free to contact me. I enthusiastically welcome any and all inquiries about any of my products and services we offer and look forward to hearing from you.
Warm Regards,
Irv Hendel